Friday, June 14, 2013

True Etymology & Meaning Of "David"

True Etymology & Meaning Of "David"
By Christopher Lord  6-14-13

King David דוד - A Story Of Division - King Divide!
An insight to the very essence and etymological meaning of the Hebrew name of "David."

The name David is derived from the Hebrew language and is spelled דוד (dwd) "Dawid" in Hebrew, which would be "DVD" in English.  The common translation of the etymology of the name, or the so called meaning of the name is "beloved."  For many years now I have been teaching that the Hebrew word David (דוד) actually means "divide."  I will now explain my thesis or dissertation and prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that my definition and etymology is actually the true correct meaning of the Hebrew word David (דוד).

For those that have watched my videos over the years, you will already know that I have explained in detail with visuals to fully explain my explanation of the word, but for those who have not seen or are unable to view my videos, I will try to paint a vivid picture explaining exactly why the name David (דוד) actually means "divide" (dvd).

The dictionary definition and etymology of the word David is "beloved," and this very word itself actually fully supports my thesis and theology of my deeper more clear definition and meaning which truly means "divide."  The root word of "beloved" is "love."  Beloved has a prefix, or an affix which is fixed and placed before the stem of the root word, which in this case is "love."  Beloved is a combination of two words, the suffix "be" and the root "love."  The suffix "be" is a variant of the suffix "bi," and both have the same etymological meaning, which actually means "two." This is why words with bi or be have a meaning of separation or duality.  Examples words are between, bicycle, bipolar, bisexual etc., and all these words have a meaning of "two."  In fact, the very English letter "B(b)" is derived from the Hebrew letter Beit (B), which is of course the second letter of both English, Greek, Roman and yes, Hebrew.  Here is an exact quote from the American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language;  "[Middle English biloved, past participle of beloven, to love : bi-, be- + loven." As you clearly see, the word beloved has the prefix of "bi" (be) meaning "two."  Love is singular, person "A" (1), while the word beloved means that another person is doing the loving, person "B" or person "two."  Now that you understand that the very word "beloved" means two, you will now be able to grasp the deeper understanding of why the word David means "divide."

Now before I continue, I must first explain why the prefix of "bi" and "di" both have similar etymological meanings, which are rooted and have a foundational meaning of "two."  I already gave examples of "bi" words that mean two, but here are some "di" words that mean two also; divide, diagonal, dialect, divorce, Diana, etc..  The same meaning also applies to words that begin with "de," like describe, defend, devil, demote, decline, etc.  Now, notice that two (2) or the letter B (b) is a double of one (1), it's the second letter, and take notice that the very letter "D" is the fourth letter, the Hebrew dalet (D), which is actually a doubled letter of B(2), thus D (4) is doubled (two fold).   The Hebrew D or dalet, has an esoteric meaning of decline or decent, a lower state, and in fact the Palo-Hebrew pictograph is that of a doorway, perhaps to the underworld.  There are 4 seasons in a year, one complete cycle, of the bi-seasons of winter and summer, the blue and the red.  I will explain this further later on and it will become very clear.  Anyway, you'll notice that the name David in Hebrew is דוד, the DVD (dvd), again, the two D's or dalet's that are separated or divided by the vav (V, W), thus two D's are two doorways that are divided by the vav דוד (DVD).  This is the two pillars and the doorway, the common symbolism you'll find all throughout the word in Religion, secret societies and of course Israel.  I will go into this a little later.

First of all, if you already know the story of the Hebrew King David,  what I am about to explain will make perfect sense to you, if you are not familiar with the story of King David, I suggest you first read the story to fully grasp the wisdom I am about to share.  Kind David was the second and greatest of the Kings of Israel, ruling in the 10th century BC.  Did you catch what I just said?  Did you once again catch the clue of the very meaning of his name?  King David was the 'second' (2nd) King, once again telling the story of "two," just like the letter B(bi), the second letter of the alphabet (Alef Beit).  In fact, the very essence of all of the stories of King David, are rooted in division of two.  This is why his people are a people who are divided!  The story of David and Goliath, once again tells the same story of dualistic polarities or division.  David was small, a microcosm, and Goliath was HUGE, the macrocosm.  Just as our alphabet is made of both small & HUGE letters, known as lowercase & uppercase (CAPITAL) letters.  In fact our alphabet is comprised of TWO sets of 11, or the EL-even making up the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. I will be getting back to this later.  so, the story of division continues when David cuts off and decapitates (de) the head off of Goliath.  This is actually symbolism of the two figures of nature, winter & summer, the sower and the reaper, the first and the last cycles of the season of one year.  This decapitation is symbolic of cutting the head off of the OLD year, to begin (be) a new year in the springtime Equinox of the Passover (Nisan Aviv) when the world is reborn and rebirthed.  Did you notice the word "begin", begins with the B (be),  the B is TWO or a new cycle.  The story of cutting off the head dates back to ancient stories, like that of Tiamat, who is split in two, which is why we have so many stories and movies of decapitating the head off the Dragon or the Serpent in films like Alice In Wonderland, Harry Potter and Dragon Slayer films etc..

Let us now take a look at the very symbol that represents King David and Israel itself, the Star of David.  This is actually the Star of Divide, made of two polar opposite triangles, one pointed north, and the other pointed south.  these triangles represent the fire and ice, the winter and summer, day and night, and of course the male and female, the positive and negative energies.  The RED triangle and the BLUE triangle.  The six pointed star is also known as a hexagram or a sexagram, since SEX in Latin is SIX.  The Star of David is a 6 pointed star, but this is only the one dimension we see, the positive aspect, there are actually 6 more negative points as well, thus making up 12 points altogether.  This is of course the 12 months in a year, the symbol of the zodiac, the 12 houses.  Like a pie that is divided into tri-ang-EL's.

Notice that Israel was divided into the Southern Kingdom and Northern Kingdom, thus King David's people were divided!  Even today, we have the people who are divided and fight and struggle to see who will rule and own the sacred land!  I explain this common theology of the two seasons that fight one another to see who will rule the land or season, the evil BLUE cold winter or the good RED hot summer, just like day or night struggle with each other.  This polarity of duality is a battle, and this theology is found in everything we know of.  This is why all games we play are about the RED vs the BLUE!  From playing cards (bicycle) with a 52 card deck representing the 52 weeks a year, and thus the 4 suits which are the 4 seasons.  Take notice of fighting games like Boxing or the UFC, it's the RED corner vs the BLUE corner.  Same story with Chess, checkers, football, basketball etc., all fighting to see who is better.  It's all based upon nature.  We grow up watching Christmas specials like The Year Without a Santa Claus, which has the Miser Brothers, one RED and the other BLUE.  They represent Red Hot Summer, and the the Blue Cold Winter.  They are brothers who hate each other and struggle and fight one another.  You'll see the same story in Alice & Wonderland, where we have the two sisters, one Red, the there Blue (white winer), who hate each other and struggle fight to see who will wear the crown.  Perhaps now you'll understand why we have Pepsi vs Coke, or REpublicans vs DEmocrats (RED vs BLUE).  Re is the SUN God, the RED SUN, and DE represents the BLUE MOON of night darkness, thus the DEcline and DEcent of DEcember, thus DEmons and DEvils!  This RED vs BLUE (Summer vs Winter), is the very meaning behind stories of the Bible.  In fact, once again the word Bible, is prefixed with "bi" meaning "two."  I don't have time now to explain further, but I am 100% correct, and rest assured that I clearly understand that the Bible takes it's name from the Canaan Phoenician city of Byblos.  Anyway, The Bible itself is made of the OLD and NEW testament,  again a division (red & blue).  In fact many bibles will will actually have red and blue page dividers in them!

King David has a son or offspring named King Solomon.  Again the very etymology of the word tells us the true essence of the meaning.  Solomon is made of two root words, the SOL & the Mon, thus Sol-o-mon, the SOL = SUN and MON = MOON, again the very names tells us of the two polarities of nature, the Sun & Moon or Summer & Winter, Day & Night, the RED & BLUE!  This is why King Solomon has a house or Temple that has TWO pillars, that are on either side of the doorway that leads to the House of God, EL.  In case you didn't get the story about division, the story of King Solomon once again reveals the true essence in the story of dividing the baby in two, the story known as "Splitting the baby" or "cutting the baby in half."  The Biblical story is known as the Judgment of Solomon which refers to a story in which King Solomon rules between two women who both claim to be the mother of the child and King Solomon uses his wisdom to trick the two mothers into revealing who is actually the true mother.  So, as you see, the story is centered around a story about division and dividing.

The Biblical story of two (bi, di) is rooted in the very story of creation, where we have Adam and Eve.  Adam is from Hebrew Edom, meaning RED, thus the Red earth that made up humans in the Biblical story, and of course the earth or soil from the Levant is red.  Eve, is the goddess, the female, the aspect of BLUE, like the evening nighttime, when the MOON comes out.  Thus the Sun is linked to Male energy, and the Moon is linked to Female energy.

Take a look at stories in the Bible like Cain & Able, Jacob & Esau, and you will find once again the very same story of struggling twin brothers who fight to see who will rule and take over. Grain sacrifice vs animal sacrifice, again the symbols of the season, the spring lamb of Aries in springtime, and the grain harvest of winter or fall.  In the story of Jacob and Esau, we have the RED EDOMITE ESAU vs his brother JOCOB the BLUE, fighting one anther to see who will rule and wear the crown as King.  I could go on for days in vivid detail explaining this in so many ways it would make your head spin!  I actually made a video series called JACOB THE EVIL BLACK JACK & ESAU, I suggest you watch it to fully gain my thesis and theology on the subject.

More proof of duality and division? I could go on and on about the very meaning of the word Jesus, thus Zeus which are rooted in Dione, Dianna, the two, just like the word Deity!  I could go on and on about the Arc of the Covenant, which means to cut the MEAT IN TWO, which is why there are TWO angles on top, Michael & Gabriel, the Angles of the SUN & MOON!  The Arc was pulled by TWO BULLS or Bi-BULLS!

I will write a full length thesis in my upcoming book.  Thank you!  Christopher Lord


  1. to be or not to be? that is the question.

  2. Can you please quote a site where "be" is explained as meaning two?

    (Based on Oxford, etc...)

  3. Visit my website:

  4. Where is there info on the age prior to all the BULL... we see the transfer of power from Taurus to Aries and Aries to Pisces and now Aquarius but where can I find in depth studies on the previous ages? Gemini, Cancer, Leo... ??? Thank you, Lord! <3

  5. You're so full of bull... lol... Dissertation now huh Christopher??? Yah... right!!! lmao!!! living in the world of delusion now I see. Just because you have been studying something for years, does not mean you have a doctorate. lmao. Too funny! I think your best subject would be to stick to Comedy... Monty Python. How about Mel Brooks??? Great Satire. lol...

  6. If your so called dissertation was beyond reasonable doubt, then why is this commenter on your channel asking you where do you get your facts that the word "Be" means two. lmao!!! You are out there Christopher. What happened to you? Bull Shit??? you need to get out of this subject. it's a dead end and has no future. you brought yourself to the end when you made your conclusion 5 months ago. As soon as I watched your video and your conclusion... I knew it was over for this theory. Nothing else to add. just same old rhetoric. How is this a dissertation?

  7. I'm going to blast your ass back into reality!!! I will take your fake dissertation and tear it apart and show the irrelevance of the nonsense that you put forth as if it is history, and you twist it to deceive those who do not know. You are in no case, ready to become a Professor nor a doctor for that matter. You're a joke!

  8. Solomon is not the original name of Solomon. lol... His name is Shelemoh. How do you derive your doctorate level of understanding with this Name? lol... you're and have to be a joker. Are you Jack? The one you proclaim to be the ones that lead the blind astray, the pied piper? You portray yourself as the Jester, and the only people that will agree with you are absolutely unlearned. You offer nothing to real history. You are not a scholar and have no truth in what you portray. Wow Christopher. Why do you want to deceive?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think he is covering the fact that in the Christian Bible the name Solomon is used... SOLOMON not Shelemoh. if that is his name then why does the Christian bible spell it and pronounce it Solo-mon??? that is what he is covering the REASON FOR IT BEING THAT WAY IN THE BIBLE! m Just like the name Jesus is used in the Bible when his true Hebrew name isn't used...they used these names to associate the characters to Mythological Gods and planetary worship...makes perfect sense. wow you are a troll for sure. get a life

  9. NAMASTE Christopher,
    what does DEmon mean?
    Does it mean DE = TWO & MON = MOON....hence TWO MOON = DEMON....just wondering

  10. And also David was not the true heir to the throne.
